What's newNew and improved chat!

The only sales rep that'll 10x your sales.

Let AI find and close deals faster than your competitors ever could. Boundo puts your entire sales motion on autopilot.

backed by y combinator
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Trusted by the world’s most innovative teams to power their sales.

PlannerlyUnthreadWilderness LabsCybleEchoes

Stats, stats and stats

Proven performance at scale

Saved per year, per SDR
1,950 hours
Avg. savings per year
Uplift in response rate
In deals closed and counting

Unified stack

One platform. Everything for sales.


What everyone is raving about

“The team behind boundo has nailed it – they have created a must-have solution for anyone serious about successful email outreach.”

Clive Jordan
Founder/CEO @ Plannerly

“It used to take a week's worth of manual effort to reach out to 100s of leads in a personalised manner. Now it takes minutes with boundo!.”

Prashant Chaudhary
Growth @ Craze

“As a heavy-AI user, boundo's platform and support is in a class of its own. The boundo platform helped us deliver well-researched, unique (n=1) emails. Instead of common robotic/AI-sounding emails, we got natural emails that compressed our prospect research and resonated with our leads.”

Jaison George
Head of Growth @ Neptyne

“boundo is like an SDR without all the headache. I just set it up and it gets me meetings in just a few hours!”

Ron Fisher
Co-founder/CEO @ Mesh

Win bigger

Superpower your sales team

Reach decision-makers, no matter the company.

Let boundo take care of finding leads from all of the databases out there. Our data is refreshed constantly making sure you only have the best and most accurate leads possible.

Refreshed 24/7.
Our data is refreshed constantly making sure you only have the best and most accurate leads possible.
Verified emails and phone numbers.
Our data is refreshed constantly making sure you only have the best and most accurate leads possible.
Import your own leads too.
Our data is refreshed constantly making sure you only have the best and most accurate leads possible.
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Move fast and sell things.

As boundo reaches out to prospects and hears back positively, it continuously optimizes to find lookalike prospects. This not only helps maintain your outbound hygeine and sender reputation, but also fills your pipeline with more qualified leads.

AI-generated outbound.

The best outbound is personalized. Not just {{job_title}}, but instead what your prospect loves to do, papers they've published, events they've led. Boundo instantly personalizes outbound to the lead and their company while using unique, reliable facts and data points.

Published an articleCommented on LinkedinRecently promotedNow hiring for new rolesAttended conferenceAvid VolunteerRaised a Series ASearched for AI Tools
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Ready to hit 

Discover how boundo can help you scale your sales quickly, while setting and forgetting the annoying stuff.

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