Lead Database
300m+ database of leads built for any seller to get any buyer.It's important to get the right leads at the right time. That's why boundo already leverages some of the best lead-gen databases out there to power your sales.

Quality and quantity

Always have the right leads

Best-in-class data.

Send the correct info to the correct person, everytime. Our database is constantly refreshed to keep the most up-to-date information about a lead.

< 0.5%

Bounce rate

Emails are at least triple verified.


Leads found

Our customers rely on Boundo to power their entire sales outbound motion.


Data sources

Boundo finds data across some of the best database providers out there, including Apollo, Zoominfo, Lusha, Lemlist, Coresignal, and more.

With just one question.

No more slogging through and testing various filters, glossing over hundreds of rows of potential leads, and spending hours curating lists.

Just describe what your goals are and what you're looking for and Boundo will take care of the rest.

App screenshot

Always improving

Customization included

Import LeadsHave your own leads that you need to upload? No problem.
Upload CSVSync with your CRM
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Request New DataNewIf there's a database we don't have already, just ask and we'll do our best to get it added.
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Scale your sales, with boundoGet started